Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I give to United Way?

United Way strives to improve living conditions by looking at the root causes of some of our community's most difficult issues, and the organization recruits the right people to help drive initiatives and policy for large-scale change.

Where does my contribution go?

Donor gifts help United Way maintain and create strategies to help families meet their basic needs and stay out of crisis. This includes providing immediate services to people in need, as well as research, volunteerism and advocacy efforts to create long-term change. Thousands of lives are positively impacted each day because donors give.

What are United Way’s administrative costs?

United Way’s administrative costs are 16.1 percent.

Does United Way condone pressure in giving?

No. United Way does not condone pressured giving. Everyone should contribute voluntarily.

Is my gift really important? Would my contribution be missed if I did not give?

Yes, every gift matters and ensures that all community programs support the needs of everyone. Quality services must be accessible and enable all residents of the region to have a good quality of life.

I would like to help, but just can’t afford it.

There are many ways to support our community. You can also volunteer and you can advocate.

I have given in the past, yet never received a thank-you from United Way.

Thank you for your gift. Each company that runs a company campaign has different privacy agreements with United Way. If you would like to find out how your gift makes a difference, click here and use your personal email to sign up for email updates from United Way.

I have given generously in the past. Why should I increase my gift?

Your prior generosity is greatly appreciated. However, there are still thousands of children not getting the proper nutrition to help them grow strong and healthy; thousands more that are not receiving the education that will supply them with the tools they need to thrive as adults; and families that still live paycheck to paycheck – one large medical bill away from losing their home or spiraling into perpetual crises. People who never sought help before are doing so now. In fact, you probably know someone who has turned to United Way for help. With the needs of community residents steadily rising and service organizations struggling to keep pace, increased contributions are needed to stem the tide.

I’m not going to use these services, so why should I support them?

United Way believes that when all members of our community have access to the tools they need to survive and thrive, we all benefit. Maybe you’ve never needed help, but statistics show that you or a member of your family probably have or will rely on United Way or one of our community partners at some point in your lives. Giving to United Way ensures that there is a place to turn in times of need – whenever that might be!

If I don’t like one of United Way’s programs or partner agencies, why should I give during the campaign?

When you give to United Way, we use your dollars to address the greatest needs. A major advantage of giving to United Way is that it ensures funding to programs and services that address current and emerging community issues. You may find that an organization you don’t like or may be unfamiliar with is a partner of United Way. However, by failing to support United Way as a result, many other partners and critical programs suffer. In fact, because many agencies rely on one another, withholding support for United Way because of dislike of one agency ends up hurting many other agencies.

Can I designate where my contribution goes?

Your contribution makes the largest impact when it is undesignated and can support all of United Way’s work. If you prefer to give your money directly to one of United Way's partner agencies, you are free to do so.

Aren’t all United Ways the same? There was controversy in the news about United Way that concerns me.

United Ways are independent organizations governed at the local level. Funds raised stay in the community and are allocated by local community members. United Way is a transparent organization focused on community impact. We welcome your review of our annual report and financial statements.

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